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Saturday, January 14, 2012

mrLim is angry.
cos i kept complaining that i ate too much and probably gained a good 3 - 4kgs from the indulgence of suppers from the past few weeks.
that day , we were at supermarket in amk hub ,
saw a weighing machine , and he casually said , go weigh la , see how fat you are now.
i looked down at the scale , and the needle stops right between the 30 and 40 mark.
then he said these , you better eat more and gain at least 2kg arbo i dont want you liao la.

i dont look as boney as someone mine weight should be.
i wonder why ..
MUST BE THE HOLLOW BONES ! ( due to the absence of milk / calcium ?!?! )

went to Expo for John Little Sales ,
and i bought boxes and boxes of eyemaks for mummy and mineself , makeup removers for jasmine , boxers for daddy and mrLim , and tonnes of rubbish more

i found this in mine cupboard =D
Prada can be pretty nice too. haha

went town with mummy and precious =)
pick up some clothes and toys for precious at Paragon , and i love the shades i saw in Gucci =D
next week perhaps . lol !
stock up on skincare.

just realised that i spent quite a bit every month on masks
- TFS Cucumber Mask Pack $21.90
- Origins Clear Improvement Mask $43
- TFS Green Tea Oil $11.90
- TFS White Mud Nose Pack $24.90
- Avene Soapless Foaming Gel $30.70
- Neutrogena Deep Hydrating Mask $1.95 per piece

there is a few more than i haven bought , shall buy them tml =)
gonna go shopping tml , and hoping over to Clara's on thursday. hellokitty and mymelody nails , here i come!

be back to blog on thursday !

til then.

my precious =)


i do; -
10:14 am