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Saturday, January 14, 2012

supposed to head out with joyjoy and adels , but our date was cancelled cos adels gotta acc grannyTan.

mrLim is really sweet =)
i told him , he dont give me surprises anymore.

he got me this

and got mummy these =D

precious. look how engross she gets when watching tv

was craving for youtiaodawang , so darling drove me to geylang for buy back supper =)

went over to amk hub , to have dinner.
shopped around a little

- freshkon lenses
- faceshop , seaweed and potato tube masks
- oversize shades in brown

speaking of shades , im still comtemplating whether to get the dior shades in brown , though i already got one in black. or maybe i should just wait for the next season's stuff than make a decision. i rather spend 400 bucks on other stuffs.. like , shoes ? haha

i have no idea why people in school start saying that im ice queen or simply that im a snob. just because i wear shades to school ? crazy can , whats wrong. though i admit , i seldom open mine mouth and chat first with others , but then again , im always like that, with or without the shades. i just put on the shades once i get down the car , and take them off when im in lecture hall , and pop them back on when im outta of the lecture hall once classes end when im on the way back to the car. i may seem a lil unsociable , but im certainly not snobbish can. all i wanna cover is the makeup-less big fat face la ( cos im simply too lazy to wake up early to makeup ).

please. im a friendly person okay

i think its true. mrLim commented that i take alot of pics , whenever i change to a samsung phone. haha

and on webcam too. =)
adels , faster fix your com and webcam soon !

pushpop anyone ? XD

he drew this

i love you too darling =)

til then everyone , take care !


i do; -
10:15 am