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Wednesday, December 02, 2009

im glad that i am feeling awake at this time of the day =)
dont get me wrong , its not that i have yet to go to bed.
but rather , ive been sleeping early , and waking up early recently.
Im starting to feel a change in myself and my body system
A good change =)

And , ive been drinking alot more water as compared to last time !

double smiles.

plenty of happenings and upcoming ones =)
weekly shopping with huihui , plus her favourite frogleg porridge
-new clothings new clothings and more new clothings
-brand new skincare regime , masks , cosmetics
-6pairs of Geo lenses , blackbrowngrey
steamboat with pangpang kiat mrLim amanda
shisha with pangpang kiat mrLim joshua amanda peiyi weijun yongping aunty uncle
kenny's birthday at bugis
mrLim's birthday bbq
jenny's birthday
christmas 2009
new year's eve

and then it will be 2010.

i miss Pangpang and Joshua.

im glad we randomly went for steamboat and shisha that night

the jumps =)

how time flies
Precious first day of school is on 6th January 2010.
and guess what , my orientation is on the 4th.
Yes i have to go for orientation. laughs
like damn cute =D

my big girl =)

it'll be a lovely christmas this year
starting with new chanel jumbo from mummy =)
and hopefully , i'll get my new camera in time too.
plus love's company ,
i know i'll be happy =)

love , i just wanna say
thank you for injecting happiness in my life.
it doesnt matter how people see , or what people say.
as long as we know the importance of each other ,
and that we are happy with each other's company
it is more than enough =)


i do; -
7:41 am